Home > Artworks > Domingo Santos Pérez

Photo of Domingo Santos Pérez Spain

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LICENSED in the Specialty of design and engraving from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Seville.
ERASMUS, Italy 1999
Research Fellowship in the collage artist's studio Jhonatan Talbolt, Philadelphia 2006


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LICENSED in the Specialty of design and engraving from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Seville.
ERASMUS, Italy 1999
Research Fellowship in the collage artist's studio Jhonatan Talbolt, Philadelphia 2006


III International Painting Course. Jerez de la Frontera. September 1998.
Course taught by Professor of the Natural Course of Painting, D. Albert Manero
Gutiérrez: "Digital Analysis and Practical Pictorial Portrait." June 1994.
Scholarship to work in the artist's studio Jhonatan Talbolt, Philadelphia 2006
Recorded Course nontoxic and photopolymer film by Paco Mora, Murciano Art Center
Graphic and Contemporary Print, 2005
V International Workshop "Collage and Creative Exploration," University of Murcia and Center
Art El Jardin.


Colegio de Arquitectos de Córdoba, Hispanic American Cultures Center
Madrid, Platform Gallery (Sevilla), ARTANA IV. Vázquez Museum Díaz.Museo Estampa
Contemporary Marbella, Malaga Cadiz Bay Casino. BOAT CLUB, Sevilla. Palace
Conference and Exhibition, Sevilla I and III BIENNIAL AYAMONTE contemporary Estampa
PROVICIAL MUSEUM OF HUELVA, DeArte Fair (Madrid), Galería Margarita Albarran. ESTAMPA
MADRID. GRAPHICSTUDIO Institute for Art Research in Tampa, United States, Washington Green USA
Sunderland, United States. Benarab, Castellon. Efe Serrano, Cieza, Murcia


1 st Prize Contest XVI Villa de San José de la Rinconada. Sevilla. 3 rd prize "Gustavo Bacarisas"
2 nd prize painting, Nerva (Huelva), 3 rd prize in the painting competition II, Qty. Cuenca.
Focus finalist xx edition, XXIII Honor Mention Autumn salon de Sevilla, 2 nd prize CARPIO
(CORDOBA). Award - Arts acquisition talks, Diputación Provincial de Alicante,
2 º Corte Inglés Young Art Award 2003 (Huelva) .1 second prize of "plein air painting" Fountain "
Edge (Badajoz) Award Cortelazor the Royal Hall, HUELVA. Honorable Mention
Painting Contest at the "Villa de Nerva (Huelva). 43 Accesit City Painting Prize
Ayamonte, 1 National Award (Valverde del Camino) .1 st prize Palma del Condado (Huelva)
1 st Prize Nicolás Mejías, Fuente de Cantos (Badajoz). 2 nd Prize Ateneo de Sevilla.


Ayto de Montellano (Sevilla). Sevilla City Council. Huelva Provincial Museum, City Hall
Burguillos (Seville), Ayamonte Culture Trust, City of Carpio (Córdoba), House
culture of Fuente de Cantos (Badajoz) Club Nautico de Sevilla. San Clemente City Council
(Cuenca) Huelva. Restorers Association of Madrid. City Council
HUELVA. MUSEUM Vázquez Díaz (Huelva). Diputación Provincial de Alicante.
CAJA RURAL SOUTH EL MONTE Foundation, Center for Art and Contemporary Print
"The Gardens". GRAPHICSTUDIO Institute for Art Research in Tampa, United States,
Washington Green USA Sunderland, United States.

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